Suthin Japanese maple clump

Clump repotted into a shallow training pot and ready for another growing season. It took longer than anticipated as I found a 4" trunk stump still underneath it all which had to be sawed off. Makes me wonder if Suthin may have created this grouping via air layering? All the remaining stubs from last year's drastic pruning were cleaned off as well as a few of the older ones. Some branches were also wired at this time. All that is left to do is to cover the soil with some sphagnum moss.

After washing off all the old soil and clearly seeing what was there, I don't believe this would-be-bonsai qualifies quite yet as a true clump. It is more of a very tight grouping that will eventually fuse together.

One year progress comparison.

Sniffing out the best of the JM's available... M5. You are a good detective of great material.

Judy I honestly did not know how this one would turned out. But when I saw it the price was right and... well I had to give it a go. It's so hard for me to turn down a JM clump specially if price is good! :oops:

I like how is shaping up. In person it has a really nice feeling of perspective and depth.
Even in 2d, the tree shows depth so it must really be cool in person.
I also admire the vision you had when you cut it back. Now it's really well proportioned and it acquired some age despite the trees being relatively young. Thanks for sharing Sergio!

Sure! :) There are a couple of hollows happening where big cuts were made a long time ago. They were apparently not treated at the time, and have naturally rotted. I am planning to leave those alone and not try to fill them in and let them take its course. I think it will add a certain natural quality and age to the grouping. Just have to wait only about 30 years before we see that beautiful silvery bark all over! :eek:
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It's never a good sign when Serge doesn't update. Where that SOLD! jpeg I did before :)
Sorry, it was sold guys. Upset because I sold it to someone that swore to take good care of it. I told him to please contact me if he ever wanted to sell it as I would happily buy it back. Well, he got out of bonsai shortly thereafter and went ahead and sold it to someone else. Shitty but there you have it.
Do you ever sell trees on here @MACH5? I'm obviously not in a position to purchase because I'm in the UK but I bet a lot of people on here would snap them up.
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