Stumpy is Getting Dressed

I was just wondering if that was one of the tamarack tricks you use.
Also,when out looking at larches,have you noticed that some have naturally shorter needles?
I've all kinds of variation, color, size. American larch from Canada seem to consistently be the smallest or European larch
Wow killer tree... Any chance we can see it in fall color soon? And perhehaps a winter silhouette to follow???
Its been amazing how warm this fall has been, and still is! There has been almost no change in the trees yet.
I'm in the Finger Lakes region of New York and the colors are peaking just no larch yet. This pic is of Canadice Lake yesterday. It's the smallest of the lakes and about 5 miles from me.20171020_084054.jpg
Wow that is a beautiful shot. Fall is so wonderful, doesn't seem like we will get one here this year. Thank you for showing us yours... Waiting to see your larch in color!
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