Strange objects in oak bonsai

Joe Dupre'

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Belle Rose, La.
This is a new one on me. I found these in my oak bonsai and in no others. I put them beside some 8822 for scale. They have the consistency of some kind of droppings, but are a very weird shape for that. Any clues? I didn't see any signs of pests on the tree.

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This is a new one on me. I found these in my oak bonsai and in no others. I put them beside some 8822 for scale. They have the consistency of some kind of droppings, but are a very weird shape for that. Any clues? I didn't see any signs of pests on the tree.

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Wow, real head scratcher here. Looks like a seed pod, a coffee bean, and a alien brain sucker pod. Where did you find them? Top of the soil, middle, or bottom? Is the Oak sitting under or close to another plant? I find acorns buried in potted plants from squirrels sometimes but that's no acorn. I love a good mystery.
They were sitting on the soil surface in a random pattern. Other bonsai were close but nothing unusual about them.
Hmmm, I did image searches and I got nothing. Has to be something local to you, but other than that I'm stumped. Hopefully,

I posted the pic on a plant ID page on Face book. Two people came back with the reply that they are caterpillar droppings. I'll have to go look for the culprit. Should be a bruiser considering the size of the droppings.
I posted the pic on a plant ID page on Face book. Two people came back with the reply that they are caterpillar droppings. I'll have to go look for the culprit. Should be a bruiser considering the size of the droppings.

Might want to take an elephant gun for that sucker...🐘🐛
Looks to be an orange striped oak worm. Makes sense since I found the droppings in an oak bonsai pot. Also, I have a 4.5 foot diameter live oak in my front yard.
Looks to be an orange striped oak worm. Makes sense since I found the droppings in an oak bonsai pot. Also, I have a 4.5 foot diameter live oak in my front yard.
Wow. Ok. I have decent medium sized toads around here that have smaller droppings. We do have those worms, I cut them in half with my garden scissors when I see them and horn worms. Learn something gross everyday. :)
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