Spiderman BC

very nice Not knowing anything about them surprised how much you guys can reduce the roots when collecting . There supposed to be somewhat related to the white cedar we collect up here but we do t find them in a swamp . 😂😂 you also eliminate all the branches amazing for a conifer
You can also start to gently "massage" branches from the base out into horizontal positions. You'll hear a gentle crackling as you move out towards the tip.
@Sekibonsai I’ve seen you mention the massage technique several times but I don’t understand what you mean. Can you describe the technique in more detail?
@Sekibonsai I’ve seen you mention the massage technique several times but I don’t understand what you mean. Can you describe the technique in more detail?
Young BC branches are very apical. They all try to shoot up straight like water sprout. If you stroke them from the base to the tip with gentle pressure, they bend down and stay down. It takes dome practice to feel the right amount of pressure to bend but not break the shoot. Yes you can feel the mini break of the young tissues in the shoot. I am sure a sensitive ear can hear it as well.

Do it like stroking the hair of your lovely!
Young BC branches are very apical. They all try to shoot up straight like water sprout. If you stroke them from the base to the tip with gentle pressure, they bend down and stay down. It takes dome practice to feel the right amount of pressure to bend but not break the shoot. Yes you can feel the mini break of the young tissues in the shoot. I am sure a sensitive ear can hear it as well.

Do it like stroking the hair of your lovely!
Gentle stroking for sure! 🤣

Young green shoots can be gently massaged from the trunk juncture between your thumb and index, bend squeeze motion to change the angle to horizontal... Twigs that are just starting to lignify a bit will give you the soft crackle. You can feel it if not hear it. Every week or three I'll run through and do it along with some other minor editing.
Apex selected and some carving to establish taper. Side branch selection will be done in the spring.
Apex selected and some carving to establish taper. Side branch selection will be done in the spring.
View attachment 469008
View attachment 469009
Ok admit it your addicted to that new carving bit 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂nice going so far . Always jealous of you southerners just collect a stump with no foliage and next to no roots and start to make a bonsai . 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I can’t think of a single tree in the north that will not kill
Now that I have the heavy carving done, I am planning to repot it to a bus tub in the spring to get the root a little more shallow and also to expose the flare that is halfway buried now. I am also cutting the apex down to the second branch on the right because that apex is too straight. I'd like to see it sweep to the right.
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