Some of my finished drawings and paintings of trees.

The second image is just awesome! Dark seaside image is beautiful. Are you selling any of these??
I've been considering setting up an Etsy account to sell prints, but I'd like to finish a few more paintings before I do so my shop isn't so bare😂

Very nice work! What program or app do you use?
Procreate currently. Work paid for an iPad Pro, which I love so far because as an artist I do a lot of drawing and painting plein air.
That last pencil drawing is very much like my own style of drawing! I rarely ever go past that with ink or paint. I love all of them!
Ty! I usually don't finish a drawing with pencil as I'm a ham fisted lefty and I tend to smudge and ruin my work lol. I started out using micron pens but I grew tired of how quick the felt tips wore out (90% of the time before the ink ran out), so on a whim I bought a cheap fountain pen and fell in love with the medium. The one next to the ink bottle is my pride and joy that my wife bought me for our anniversary a Pilot Namiki Falcon EF. I would have never bought myself a $150 pen, so thankfully my wife did😂 ink becomes less intimidating when you force yourself to have fun and get sloppy with it. Fountain pen ink is also fun to paint with using water brush pens.
Ok. So you obviously have an eye for trees. You also posted another thread on a ficus group you acquired. Take these visual drawing skills and put yourself in that ficus you received and imagine a future! Best way to set yourself up is by visualizing the trees future and putting pen to paper! Or Apple Pencil, or ink pen! Whatever! Take advantage of your skill.
Ok. So you obviously have an eye for trees. You also posted another thread on a ficus group you acquired. Take these visual drawing skills and put yourself in that ficus you received and imagine a future! Best way to set yourself up is by visualizing the trees future and putting pen to paper! Or Apple Pencil, or ink pen! Whatever! Take advantage of your skill.
Great, now instead of drawing trees as an artist, I'll be drawing trees as an architect 🤣 Good advice and thank you. I grew up in a very rural part of the Puget Sound. Most of my childhood can be summed up with running around in the rain soaked woods, building forts, eating black/red huckleberries and blackberries. When I was around 13 we moved from Washington to NW Montana, which is more arid, but still abundant in forests. All through my adolescence up until I move out on my own, we burned firewood. It was always dead trees we cut down as it was the law. As odd as it sounds, when you rely on wood for heat in the winter, you start appreciating trees a lot even though you cut them down. You start to appreciate their species specific qualities. Alder is the best for smoking meat, Doug Fir is the old faithful for firewood and the smell of a freshly fell Doug Fir with it's musky coniferous aroma is a natural scent that only old book smell can come close to as far as scents go, Larch is the flower and show stopper of the Kootenai area when its leaves start to turn amidst the ocean of conifers as you stand on top of a high point looking down into a forested valley, Cedar is a comforting tree with it's natural smell and shelters you from unexpected rain and snow with its dense fan like foliage that slopes down like roof shingles, Madrone is a beautiful but alien tree with its red bark that is as smooth as silk and its gnarled and twisty branches that seem to defy any logic except as if it's advertising to young boys to "climb me", Lodge pole can go straight to hell.

Awesome.The first one reminds me of a picture I took last year.
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Beautiful shot! I'm always a fan of extreme angles when it comes to perspective. As much as I love Bob Ross, I wish he would have done some paintings that were like "OK, for todays painting, we're going to truly capture the awe inspiring size and topography of nature."
You have a good eye for creating tension and drama. Mighty fine work!
Ty! I started off drawing portraits and characters, but soon realized I'm not interested in people as subjects. What I try to do in every project is create an unwritten story, so the viewer can fill in the blanks with their own imagined scenario or fantasies. I don't want to tell people what's happening, I want them to flesh it out with their own imagination. Below are some non-tree related pieces that were done with pure ink. The cottage is unfinished because I ran out of the green fountain pen ink I was using 🤣 The tower on the hill I ended up with by just doodling and decided to roll with the rough sketch that came out, the whale I drew for a boy at my wife's church that I've been trying to encourage to draw via exchanging art with each other... I asked what he wanted me to draw and he said "something Bible related" so I confusingly drew a whale only to find out that Jonah was swallowed by a giant fish and not a whale (I'm not really religious lol) , the treasure map was just me giving in to my inner boyhood pirate fantasies🤣 The dragon was from a friend that asked if I could draw one, I took it as a challenge and tried to fuse the look of an eastern and western dragon.


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Fantastic work!!

I LOVE how “deep” a skilled artist can make monochromatic sketching look.

Well done!
I started out doing landscape illustrations with fountain pens, but I've recently been dipping my toes into digital painting. Here are some of my favorite finished projects. I tend to draw trees as a focal subject more than anything.
1st image reminds me a lot of Skyrim! Excellent work!!!
1st image reminds me a lot of Skyrim! Excellent work!!!
Probably because I used a screenshot I took from Skyrim as a reference🤣 I have like 50 reference screenshots from my last playthrough when I installed like 500gb of graphics mods. Whenever I'd come across some breathtaking scene, screen shot. I plan on playing The Witcher 3 again this winter and capturing a lot of reference shots.
Probably because I used a screenshot I took from Skyrim as a reference🤣 I have like 50 reference screenshots from my last playthrough when I installed like 500gb of graphics mods. Whenever I'd come across some breathtaking scene, screen shot. I plan on playing The Witcher 3 again this winter and capturing a lot of reference shots.
I’m Old-School.. and a punk-rocker in my soul.. so I can’t jump on that bandwagon yet...

I’m more...

“Your death WILL be avenged!”
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