Pine nigra - promote small roots development


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Hello to all,

I am a new one here and I hope my dear bonsai enthusiats and profesionalls to help me with a good advice.

I collected yamadori pine nigra which was groving practical inside rock. I sucessfly saved quite a lot of roots, but there is no substrate ball, therefore I potted it into a lava rock substrate hoping on the best. As I hope it will survive this stress I would ask how I could promote on a later stage development of small - fine essential roots. Pine have several (3-4) thumb size main roots, but the small ones starts quite far from the trunk/surface approx. 25-30 cm in depth, so I would like to know how to promote development of small/fine roots closer to surface/trunk thak I could later remove old ones.

Its there any technique or tricks - or where to look.
Thanks in advance.
Hello to all,

I am a new one here and I hope my dear bonsai enthusiats and profesionalls to help me with a good advice.

I collected yamadori pine nigra which was groving practical inside rock. I sucessfly saved quite a lot of roots, but there is no substrate ball, therefore I potted it into a lava rock substrate hoping on the best. As I hope it will survive this stress I would ask how I could promote on a later stage development of small - fine essential roots. Pine have several (3-4) thumb size main roots, but the small ones starts quite far from the trunk/surface approx. 25-30 cm in depth, so I would like to know how to promote development of small/fine roots closer to surface/trunk thak I could later remove old ones.

Its there any technique or tricks - or where to look.
Thanks in advance.

Right now you have to let it recover and hope it survives before you worry about further development of anything.
I would not touch this tree's roots for a minimum of 3 years and maybe not even 5 years depending on how it responds.

If it will survive, it will start to grow new roots along the old roots and at the trunk. From what you stated, you will not be able to do anything to that root mass until it grows and replaces ALOT more roots. Worry about it surviving for now and then concern yourself with more once it is healthy and thriving again. IF it does that, then you can see what you have and be able to make decisions.
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