If your pine looks like this.

M. Frary

Bonsai Godzilla
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Mio Michigan
You've got a problem.
Lots of deadwood.20180519_120525.jpg
Well that sucks...at least one made it though.
I've gotten to the point where when I go to dig up a pine I grab others in order to keep up my survival rate. This one was the decoy. The other one I collected was the one I wanted.
I'm fine with trees giving up the ghost. I don't collect practice trees either. I collect trees now that can be a decent bonsai. If they survive,great. If not,there is another growing somewhere waiting for me to have at it.
Why not set it ablaze and see if the jack pine ultimate-survival-myths are true? It would be more fun than just throwing it out ;-)
Why not set it ablaze and see if the jack pine ultimate-survival-myths are true? It would be more fun than just throwing it out ;-)
I got a pile of these carcasses.
I just toss dead trees in the woods.
The fire thing is for the cones. They need it to open up to release the seeds.
I wonder...
If a jack pine spent it's entire existence, from day one, in a pot... would they be less fickle about root work?
Is it the collecting process that kills them? Or getting the old dirt out of the roots later on?
a real cock tease
I believe it's because they dont like their roots messed with too much. And they're only growing in sand.
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