High latency on page changes


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Seattle, WA
Hey @Bonsai Nut, I've noticed some high latency on page navigations, usually about 7-10s. It seems a good deal of it is on loading the initial HTML and CSS documents. For example, the total page load for opening this thread was 6.81s, with the load for /post-thread/ taking 4.41s, and the stylesheet taking 2.26s. Everything else was sub 250ms.

Thanks for everything, and let me know if you need more investigation help!

To any others, have you observed anything like this? I've observed it on multiple networks, devices, and on and off a VPN, so I suspect it's a site-wide issue, but it's not clear.
Time for you guys to upgrade from dial up :p

I kid... I'm experiencing lag too but thought it was my side
I've noticed this too, both in the mobile app and on my desktop.
Good to see everyone was on the same page of "oh, it's probably my shit internet" 😂
Been like this for 2 days, I had to check my internet speed a couple times. But its clear now its only this website which is very slow.
Seems its happening to a number of websites that I have saved in my browser, mainly forums that I visit.
I was about to go into my IT dept and have them check the internet connection.

I can't do any real work when my forums are down, dagnabit.
I've actually noticed that it got substantially better shortly after posting this...

Makes me feel like when I try to show a bug to a coworker and it just disappears mysteriously 🫨
I am also experiencing slow load times for the past 2 days with occasional time-out errors.

I figured it might have been the site since the rest of my browsing was still speedy. I thought I'd let it ride a day in case it was just a hiccup.
It has gotten pretty bad lately on my iPhone. This forum has been taking forever to load and when it does and I scroll through a post it keeps pulling the page to the bottom. I like it here so I suffer through it 😂
Yes it is bad.... and it is being caused by Google.

Unfortunately I need the Google ads to help pay for the site, and for whatever reason, the Google ads are lagging like CRAZY. I've been running speed tests today and getting lag spikes for 3+ seconds from Google adsense.

It is pretty bad when you can load high-res images of 10 bonsai in less time than it takes Google to serve us a 400x60 pixel ad.
Yes it is bad.... and it is being caused by Google.

Unfortunately I need the Google ads to help pay for the site, and for whatever reason, the Google ads are lagging like CRAZY. I've been running speed tests today and getting lag spikes for 3+ seconds from Google adsense.

It is pretty bad when you can load high-res images of 10 bonsai in less time than it takes Google to serve us a 400x60 pixel ad.

Thought it was me - it's not terrible though
Thanks for your diligence, Greg. Not everyone can say that they’ve contributed as much to their community as you have.
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