Ficus Ben over Rockish type Material.

Curious for A "further" on that thought...

As what I have been envisioning, or thinking I want to accomplish... Is a more ficus like branching....

I been so unhappy with that weak right side....I been feeling the moment of "fuck I'm going to have to re re re re restart this thing.." Since the left already has 2 proper forks...

Got these buds on the right Just in...(there's no such thing as) time!

Slow game!

Slow game Slow game Slow game!


Generally, Ficus are very feminine and give of a light hearted feeling. Not that they are "weak" looking trees but they are more of a feminine tree.

This one is a ficus that is different. It's masculine. I know I'm not the only one that sees it but to put it to words:

The combination of the drier bark, and the actually flow and angles of the branches...combined with the fact that those primaries are super masculine and strong make this tree a very "present" tree. It stands out and will even more I think in the future.

I'm picturing it with reduced leaves and a healthy ass not so thick canopy.

Gives it an Old Ominous Oak look.

As for the right side and getting it to "pop" this summer. I think it needs more tropical conditions for a short spurt to get it to bud where you want.

FL is totally different, but down there ficus do whatever you want.

Maybe you can recreate that a little
by setting an auto sprinkler to mist the shit out of it a few times a day.

I'm sure you have great breezes there in IL.

That may get it to bud the way you want. Who knows. But maybe!
Very nice Sorce. I like the branching. All the curves you got on this one are very nice and natural. Looks like a ficus...:eek:
Sumbutch IS poppin'!

Great explanation, I understand.

There may be a found balance for this one yet!


I really like this one man!! Put it on 'Roids :p:p

When it's ramified I think this will be your favorite tree LOL

sometimes it's hard to explain what I think so glad you got it !
This is my 1st attempt at turning a ficus ben into a bonsai, been growing this one for 5 years now and decided it was time to make it something special. So for the last 6 months it's been growing over a rock and a few days ago I decided to try my hand at making my own pot for it out of a chunk of slate. This is the final product.


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This is my 1st attempt at turning a ficus ben into a bonsai, been growing this one for 5 years now and decided it was time to make it something special. So for the last 6 months it's been growing over a rock and a few days ago I decided to try my hand at making my own pot for it out of a chunk of slate. This is the final product.
Any comments & suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Been Waiting for this Waning moon for a while, so today at noon style changes.
Rearranging a few roots and new boots, cuz the other one was too cute, moving right along then......



Still Had no soil!



Tried fishing a longer line through but it came loose, so I went poking.

Used the old soil with some pumice and fine DE mixed in.

Cleaned up and sat down for the best part!

Too cute.

I think this pot would have looked great, nice and shallow, great stonish matte finish, but with bright salt glazed spots.

@GailC if you want to discuss why not this or maybe why this and the other, or maybe this in a couple years....

A little too round, but just cuz I wanted more change from round.
It was probly too shallow too.
There is another layer of nebari near the back of this that I'd still like to pot down to, so perhaps next repotting the front will change, and this shallow round will be the new pot. Which would also allow "multiple", or, "every", front.

I took all the large pumice you see here off to make room for moss. A good handful.

Always check for weeds first, since green on green can be difficult to spot...

Flip it upside down and look for white roots.20200208_134102.jpg

More .....
Great job brother!!!

I love that pot and with this tree it rocks! If that pot were just a little darker!!!
@sorce love the tree. Liked the Iker pot it was in but this new one with the crack is pretty dope! Nice work with this tree!
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