Dawn Redwood - Wilting & Browning Branches


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San Diego, CA
Hello - I've had some dawn redwoods growing individually in pots since the spring of 2022, and back in February of this year I planted them up into a forest. They've been growing terrifically but last week I noted that one of the trees, near it's apex, some of the branches were wilted (all of the other trees were fine). Over the next week the wilted branches then partly dried out and turned brown. The rest of the leaves/branches on the tree fine. Today I see that the very top of the tree and the branches six or so inches below the top are wilting... This is only affecting one tree - the rest all still look good.

I have been watering the trees appropriately and I live in San Diego where we've been rather mild and overcast this year. Any ideas on what may be up with this tree?PXL_20230611_010021250.jpgPXL_20230611_010125566.jpgPXL_20230611_010122277.MP.jpgPXL_20230611_010045926.MP.jpg
I did - BioGold. Perhaps a couple of weeks ago...
If it’s just that one tree, perhaps it got damaged during the repotting (into the forest planting)? How was the process?
Repotting it was uneventful - It's been 3-4 months or so since they were repotted and they all have done well. This tree in particular has grown probably 8" taller since repotting.

It is a bit odd that it was just some select branches last week, and now some more branches this week. The rest of the tree looks good at the moment... Makes me wonder if it might be a fungal thing or something but I don't see any odd foliage or anything on the tree...
One of mine did that. The only thing I could think of was when I watered and the water channeled through the soil and made a dry pocket. I started bottom watering it and also keeping it in a saucer of water. It perked right up. Dawns are VERY thirsty trees. Now it drinks the saucer dry in two days.
If this is confined to just one of the trees in a pot that would point to a problem with that particular tree. Wilting and brown foliage points to dehydration which can be roots or circulation. Check all the way down the trunk for any sort of damage or change of bark texture/colour/etc.
If nothing obvious, check below soil level as best you can to see what soil and roots are doing.
Nothing I know of that affects dawn redwood different to other trees.

Sometimes occasional tree losses are a complete mystery which won't help you much here but may make it somewhat easier to accept.
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