Cultivar identification


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Atlanta, GA
I was looking through the forum and looked through many threads. I could not find a close match as I was looking for a general guide on identifying maple cultivars (certainly a very tedious task). I came across this when looking for planters on a website for local buy/sell. The owner does not even know the species. The price tag is a steal, but I am not sure if it is worth the my time, if it were not a maple at all. Would you be able to take a shot at identifying this cultivar? I was thinking that it may be a trident, but I am a complete rookie in the JM arena. Thank you for your time.
probably not worth buying to be honest
Thank you for the quick responses. I can get the whole thing for 15$. I am probably going to pass, however, due to what I read about the problem with the foliage size.
They reduce well, grow fast, are very resilient and grow free everywhere.
It will disappoint, save the $15 and find a Japanese, Amur, Trident, or Hedge Maple, or a billion other shrubs with a single trunk.
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