Colorado Blue Spruce No. 2


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Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania
Found this today browsing through natures way. Came across this great collected Colorado blue spruce from 2020. It has all the starting branches one would need to develop into a great tree, primary branch that forms, a back branch to add depth and an apex, super flexible as I was just thinking of the design when I saw it. Tons of new buds for next years growth. And to top it all off a terrific spire of deadwood.. I removed some of soil around the base to dry out the wood , it’s good soil that has been used for its recovery. It would look great on a slab / stone or a rectangle ceramic.

In the fall I want to style this tree it has a good defining branch that will be bent carefully with raffia etc , a middle branch and an apex.. lots of buds as I’ve stated before but this spruce serves a wonderful inspiration for this style of Colorado blue spruce
Wow, you really couldn't ask for a better example to model your tree off of. it's a dead ringer!

I don't know anything about spruce, but I'm wondering if it may be best to grow out for a season or two before doing much in the way of styling.
Wow, you really couldn't ask for a better example to model your tree off of. it's a dead ringer!

I don't know anything about spruce, but I'm wondering if it may be best to grow out for a season or two before doing much in the way of styling.
It was collected 2019 I had a typo. It will be ready for styling whether I do it fall or next fall , but thanks .
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Wow, you really couldn't ask for a better example to model your tree off of. it's a dead ringer!

I don't know anything about spruce, but I'm wondering if it may be best to grow out for a season or two before doing much in the way of styling.
Spruce branches are very flexible , I’ll assume you haven’t used copper it has strong holding power and you don’t need much manipulation to set basic structure( we anneal it now at the bonsai studio I’m an apprentice at ) , with raffia. When you wire you don’t have to wire everything out , you also can just set the primary structure, and l then let it go. Also guy wiring is a useful technique.
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