Celebrity Bonsai


This one sparked some debate. For multiple reasons.
Lol just saw this tommy lee has been taking classes with me the last couple of months and I made the bonsai Robert Downey Jr is watering. There‘s like three old log posts on that tree.
Ha ha.. very cool. Is Tommy a Bonsai Nut?
The big downside of public fame is that you can never have a personal life. I live in a rural area, but am finding it happens to be a preferred area to hide if you happen to be a NASCAR driver or professional musician. Not because they want to hang out with the neighbors, but because they want to buy 20+ acres of land with the house not visible from the street, and put in a big gate.

Back in the day when my son was swimming, we used to go to some of the big meets in SoCal. At one of the meets, Diane Keaton was there to see her daughter swim. Talk about a train wreck. I felt horrible for her - people refused to leave her alone. Every ten seconds some cellphone wielding parent would bust in and try to take a selfie with her. She might as well have set up a signature table by the starting blocks.

So it makes me happy that celebrities might enjoy bonsai in the peace and quiet of their back yards without having to deal/battle with the masses. For all I know, some may be members of this site. However anonymity allows them to be here in peace, and we become part of the solution and not part of the problem.
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