Bonsai beadwork by my wife!


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Eeyou Istchee
Figured this would be the most appropriate place to post this. My wife does traditional glass beadwork, and she was kind enough to bead a bonsai for me. I drew the tree (Ink and watercolour), and she beaded the design with size 15 beads on felt and leather. She is extremely talented and patient to a degree I don't think she realises. She's an artist and I'm super grateful to have her in my life.

I figured you guys would appreciate something like this.

Wonderful lovely work/talent both of you😌. Humbling. Is your wife native American by chance?
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Is your wife native American by chance?
She is Eeyouch. We live in a community in Eeyou Istchee on the eastern coast of the James Bay, Quebec.

She makes all sorts of jewelry and can bead just about anything. I'm always stunned at how fast she is too! As it stands she actually has a large inventory of earrings she's building for a sale in town. I'll be sure to pass on the kind words.
Both your artistic skills are amazing! But I am totally in awe of your wifes patience. I don’t thin I could try beading anything for longer than 5 mins before the frustration would kick.
Both your artistic skills are amazing! But I am totally in awe of your wifes patience. I don’t thin I could try beading anything for longer than 5 mins before the frustration would kick.
Appreciate the kind words. She's really happy to hear that people like her work!
Can I have a Mario mushroom ina. Blue bonsai pot drawing, with a gnome tripping balls ?
Yes. Give me a minute.
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