Big Water-Elm - Winter Work

Zach Smith

Reaction score
St. Francisville, LA
I cleaned and wired the major branches of this water-elm today, and slipped it into its final pot, a custom piece by Byron Myrick. I have another couple hours of fine wiring to do before budburst.

The tree was collected in the summer of 2010 as a bare trunk, so the development is all since that time. I've completed the tapering transition at the apex, and this year should see the crown mostly filled out.

The trunk base is 5" and the height about 30". The nebari is terrific.

Comments welcome.


Hi Zach,

Your water elm looks good for being collected in 2010.

I think you are on the right path with this one, you've laid out the bones of the tree very well. It can only get better from here.

Byron did a nice job on the pot. Good choice.

Hi Zach,

Your water elm looks good for being collected in 2010.

I think you are on the right path with this one, you've laid out the bones of the tree very well. It can only get better from here.

Byron did a nice job on the pot. Good choice.

Thank you, Paul. I thought a strong pot for a strong tree would do the trick.

I'll be in touch in the coming weeks. I've got other trees ready for their first pot, and I love your work.

Very impressive tree ! The pot compliments it nicely without overpowering the tree, ll in qll its looking good. Please post when its all leafed out.


Zach....when you "clean-up" the branches does that include pruning back on a branch? If yes.... Do you perform this before buds start to swell? After buds start to swell? After leaves form? Some other time? Your weather is much different than mine (I am in winter up north) but perhaps the timing of branch pruning is quite similar.
Very nice, Zach. I like it a lot. I like Byron's pot with this tree a lot also.
Zach....when you "clean-up" the branches does that include pruning back on a branch? If yes.... Do you perform this before buds start to swell? After buds start to swell? After leaves form? Some other time? Your weather is much different than mine (I am in winter up north) but perhaps the timing of branch pruning is quite similar.
John, I usually combine tasks on trees that I select to work on (often the tree will have reached the "overdue to be worked on" stage) because 1) I don't always know when I'll get another good chance, 2) it's more efficient with all the trees I have and limited time and 3) usually the tree doesn't mind. In this case it was a minor root-pruning, trimming back of overgrowth from last season and brushing the trunk to clean off the original dirt plus anything new that had accumulated.

I'm getting some leafing out of water-elms now, along with the hawthorns and a couple of bald cypresses. My seedling crabapples have been out. I even have a sweetgum that's leafing out (very early) and another with swelling buds.

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