An unusual Trident

thanks ive been looking at them was going to compare prices, no big deal ive thought of modifying the harbor freight 500 pounder, you answered my question! thanks!

Roots are starting to look good!
The rootball is looking great and i love the wide stance on your cart, Great idea for enhanced stability. Impressive how the wounds heal so quickly with the support of major root system and the technique of re-exciting the callus. Is it just an accident that the cart modification allows it to carry more shiners with less chance of tipping?
The rootball is looking great and i love the wide stance on your cart, Great idea for enhanced stability. Impressive how the wounds heal so quickly with the support of major root system and the technique of re-exciting the callus. Is it just an accident that the cart modification allows it to carry more shiners with less chance of tipping?

Nothing happens by accident, Frank. Especially when it concerns Shiner beer.

Well it's more of a pairing thing. In summer, Shiner is properly paired with BBQ.

Well, at the Redneck Bonsai Study group meeting earlier this month, hosted by @Adair M , I paired a shiner with steak, a dominos pizza, a cinnamon bun, and another shiner!
Well, at the Redneck Bonsai Study group meeting earlier this month, hosted by @Adair M , I paired a shiner with steak, a dominos pizza, a cinnamon bun, and another shiner!

Those are excellent paintings! And to think, a Patriots fan living in Georgia came up with those. Dav4 I think you’re a Texan at heart.

Nice to see green. My the trees around big and small actually, are still asleep. To cold to wake up yet. Maybe another month or at least 3 weeks. But I certainly enjoy seeing the green leaves you posted. There is Spring hope.
Summer work. I’ve been letting this grow to heal some big wounds.


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