Acer Kaede roots galore!


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São Paulo, Brazil
Hi, talking about air layering roots and colanders, this little trident maple has grown a lot fhis season (never mind the apex sacrifice branch), and the roots are coming ou of the botton of the pot.
Well, I've been following some threads saying "roots die immediately when they are exposed to light", or "roots die immediately when exposed to air because they dry".
It's not happening here, they look healthy and happy. Should I prune them, or let it be?

It's because it's shaded under the pot and the roots are obviously keeping hydrated from the water coming through the drainage holes.

If it were mine I'd cut them. They'll be a pain to get rid of if they harden off and get wedged in the meshing. You'll also get some more ramification in the pot too.
Roots take there time to die back. As long as it's moist and in shade it will grow. It is a good trick for the smaller pots to root them in some pebbles or bonsai medium right before the hot part of the season. They will stay happy longer.
If it were mine I'd cut them. They'll be a pain to get rid of if they harden off and get wedged in the meshing. You'll also get some more ramification in the pot too.

It's high summer here, so I guess it's ok to do it now. Thanks!
If you're looking for your plant to grow/thicken, you should leave the roots, and keep it on a damp (wooden) bench.
If you want to keep the roots, a good option is to place the tree in its pot into a larger container of pumice\akadama.
This will allow the roots to continue growing into the media under the pot, and you still have the option to cut them later once the desired growth has been achieved. Another added benefit is you don't have to water as often because the larger container holds moisture better. Nice maple btw
roots die immediately when they are exposed to light", or "roots die immediately when exposed to air because they dry".
A bit extreme to say that. Tridents are tough as nails. You can just pull it out of it's pot and put it in a larger container. Spray the roots to keep them wet. A big box like this would be ideal. You'll be surprised how fast the box will fill with roots. P1000868.JPG
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