My local nursary has a 6 week bonsai class, today was the first class....

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Skokie Illinois
I signed up for a bonsai class at my local nursery, and today was the first class of the 6 week series. Everyone brought photos of their trees in their collection, and during the break, I took a walk thru the bonsai section. Of course I found a tree I want, it's a Chinese Elm, which I already have one, but this one has a thick trunk and the one I have is only maybe 4 years old, styled as an upright type, but being so young has a thin trunk. In order to get this tree I saw, I would likely overdraw the bank account but so what, it's only a financial thing and only a bank..... but the instructor is trying to tell me I should get better tools than the set I got on amazon, and actually let it take time to develop the trees I already have. Of course my boyfriend agrees with the instructor, saying you have 8 trees, which have nice potential, will just take a few years. Trying to decide what I want to do, overdraw the bank account and get this tree, and because the account is new, likely be closed due to the overdraw in the first 60 days, or wait and develop the trees I already have and invest in getting better quality tools. My Chinese Elm is in the orange pot, I already have a nice bonsai pot for it, completely forgot to transplant it into the nice pot this spring.


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Sure you could use more trees. Most of us could. But if you are seriously contemplating an intentional overdraw of your account for a tree, or for anything not vital .................. that's nuts. It doesn't show a very responsible or respectful attitude for money. Just my opinion.
Don't overdraw. It will only cost you more in overdraft fees. The only way you should is if you don't have long to live and your make-a-wish is owning a 9th bonsai tree.

Save the money and get a better one when you are able to afford it. The tree might even still be there later or maybe your bf will get it for you for Christmas! 🤑
I have to much is the tree that you're wanting to buy?

My very sincere concern is that you're living very close to the bone...with no savings in case of an emergency. Saving isn't 'fun' but it's important and if you don't want to be eating cat food when you're too old to work it's a necessity. That's not a joke.

It frustrates me that our school system is teaching outdated worthless topics instead of classes on how to manage real life. How to save, how much to save, where to save and how to invest.

Managing money will have a bigger impact on your quality of life more than anything...The only things more important are your health and the people you invest in.
I have never cared about money, and I don't care about overdraft fees since I would just let them close the account and go to a different bank if I did that. hobbies and pleasure have always came first before money, employment or health care.

The tree I was looking at is around $600 with tax in Chicago, but it is likely show ready.
You might want to show a picture of the tree and get opinions as to whether or not it's in fact 'show ready.' Shows have rather high standards and if it's show ready you'll need to know how to care for it.

I'm asking myself that AcerAddict but it's hard to know.
I have never cared about money, and I don't care about overdraft fees since I would just let them close the account and go to a different bank if I did that. hobbies and pleasure have always came first before money, employment or health care.

The tree I was looking at is around $600 with tax in Chicago, but it is likely show ready.
I have acquired a bit of wisdom in my life by doing stupid things like this. Acquiring wisdom in this manner costs a lot more than money. The bank you screw over might also send the collection agency dogs after you, which is not fun.

I mean, what are you going to do with the tree in late summer anyways? You probably won't be doing much to it until next year other than watering anyways. You'll pay $600 just in time for wintering. 😂🤣

How are you going to afford to even take care of it?
Sure you could use more trees. Most of us could. But if you are seriously contemplating an intentional overdraw of your account for a tree, or for anything not vital .................. that's nuts. It doesn't show a very responsible or respectful attitude for money. Just my opinion.
I was going to suggest the same. But maybe they can afford the hit. Keyword they

Sounds like a good time to show discipline too as you have other trees to enjoy for now
If you’re gonna overdraft a bank account for a bonsai tree, I seriously doubt you’re gonna have the character to keep a $600 show ready elm healthy. And I mean that with all my love
Anyone recognize these pictures? Or the attitude?
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