Bonsai Techniques 1 & 2 by John Yoshio Naka


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Netherlands - Europe
Some years ago I bought this set of bonsai books (as is).
But I recently bought another complete set in mint condition and that's the reason why I want to sell this set.

Bonsai Techniques 1 - 1987 8th print - original copy with an extra cover
Bonsai Techniques 2 - 1987 3th print - photocopy (black and white pictures) with an extra cover

The price is € 100,00 for the set excluding the costs for shipping.

I'm also willing to trade the set for something else with a similar value.
I'm thinking about trees species like Zelkova, Trident maple or Acer Koto Hime for example.

Some years ago I bought this set of bonsai books (as is).
But I recently bought another complete set in mint condition and that's the reason why I want to sell this set.

Bonsai Techniques 1 - 1987 8th print - original copy with an extra cover
Bonsai Techniques 2 - 1987 3th print - photocopy (black and white pictures) with an extra cover

The price is € 100,00 for the set excluding the costs for shipping.

I'm also willing to trade the set for something else with a similar value.
I'm thinking about trees species like Zelkova, Trident maple or Acer Koto Hime for example.

View attachment 541937
I have been watching for another set of John Naka's books to take apart, scan and use optical charactor recognition to make a searchable document for the two volumes. Is the Volume II a copy and is it clear enough to scan? Looks like you are in England or I would offer you the trees you want. As I am in the USA I will offer the cash you ask for 100 euro.
Vol. II is a very clear photocopy and I'm sure it can be scaned without any problems.

Tonight I will make some extra pictures of vol. II for you so you can have a look at it, I will send the picture via DM.

I live in the Netherlands (Europe) and sending trees from the USA is no option for me.
A banktransfer would be my preferred payment but Paypal could also be an option.

The books are reserved until further notice for @Dave704.
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