Acer Flowering question


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My Acer, I believe its Bloodgood reached its mature state. This is the first spring where I see it getting nice flower buds and got those amazing butterfly looking flowers.
My question is it normal that they start dying. They are still on the tree but they slowly falling, they bloom almost 2 weeks ago. The tree is looking healthy on branches and all leaves on it growing normally and flawlessly.
I only water the soil and trunk not the leaves area by the way.

Where are you? What are your growing conditions? Can you post any pictures? What species of maple are you growing?

Overall, it's not clear what we're talking about, so it's going to be difficult to provide a thoughtful answer.

What I can say is that it's normal for flowers to fall off a tree after a couple of weeks. Flowers don't last forever. What I can't say is whether it is normal for your particular tree, since I don't know anything about it.
All of what @Gabler said.
No need to go looking for problems. They will come along without you inventing them. Developing seeds dropping off is not usually a sign of problems.
The 'butterfly' after flowering is more likely developing seeds. Flowers are tiny bell shaped flowers but start to turn into the seeds in a couple of days so your observation is partly true. Normally the seeds will stay and grow until the leaves drop in autumn. Developing seeds can drop for many reasons: stress (water/nutrients/ light/ heat/ etc); If there are no insects or other maples around the seeds might not be fertile and drop off prematurely. Flowers that are not pollinated usually abort as there's no sense spending efforts ripening seeds with no embryo.
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