Yellow leaves please help


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Hi everyone,
I have my plant since 2 months (I really love it but I don't know the name or if it is a Bonsai) but I couldnt water it in the last week (~10 days) and I see now the leaves have yellowed and a little black at the top. I immediately misted it with the water atomiser, but I am sad it had to face this due to my negligence. (I am very sorry for not taking enough care)

Could you please help me revive my plant, I am ready to do anything?
Also could you please share any guidelines so as to take enough care of my plant? (Like shade or sunlight, misting how many times a day/week etc) thank you so much in advance!


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Your plant is definitely not bonsai. It is a succulent which usually means they do NOT like a lot of water. Most succulents can go for weeks without any water at all and usually prefer to be drier rather than wet. I can see that some of the leaves have started to turn black close to the stem. My guess is that you have been watering it way too much and the roots have rotted under the soil.
I can't tell from here whether you may be able to save it or if it is already way to late. Sometimes it is possible to save the plant by repotting - take it out of the pot, rake all old potting soil off the roots and check whether there's any healthy roots left. If there are roots you can repot in fresh succulent potting mix but if all the roots are soft and black it's too late.
Many succulents can grow from leaves so you may be able to start new plants by pulling a leaf off and cutting any soft or black parts then plant the healthy leaf in succulent potting soil with the cut side down. New roots can grow from the cut and a new plant will slowly grow.

I think you will be way more successful with plants if you find out the name and something about the plant first because different types of plants require different care.
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