Wulfskaar's Tiny Sequoia Grove

Very cool! I’ve always read that the germination rate on sequoia seeds in the kits was very hit or miss…looks like you hit. Healthy looking little buggers too, what type of sequoia are they?
Very cool! I’ve always read that the germination rate on sequoia seeds in the kits was very hit or miss…looks like you hit. Healthy looking little buggers too, what type of sequoia are they?
Sequoiadendron giganteum I think.
Any updates for us? (I assume a repot is coming)
They grew a bit more after that pic was taken, but not a ton. They are kind of purple-ish now for our SoCal "winter".

Yes, the repot is coming in a month or so! I'll be separating the 3 and giving them room to grow for a while.
They grew a bit more after that pic was taken, but not a ton. They are kind of purple-ish now for our SoCal "winter".

Yes, the repot is coming in a month or so! I'll be separating the 3 and giving them room to grow for a while.
I'm looking forward to seeing how yours come out, I just ordered a seedling so I'm hoping for some of the same success you've had so far
Repotted today! I hope for some good growth this year.

Soil: BonsaiJack conifer soil with a bit of coco coir added to retain a bit more moisture.

After my whole shelf rack fell and the pot above broke, I scrambled to repot everything using the pile of mixed soil from all the pots. It looks like the have survived and are now starting to put up new growth. Some of the old branches have died. Maybe because of being repotted twice in one season.

After my whole shelf rack fell and the pot above broke, I scrambled to repot everything using the pile of mixed soil from all the pots. It looks like the have survived and are now starting to put up new growth. Some of the old branches have died. Maybe because of being repotted twice in one season.

View attachment 550874
Oh my lord I love them
Some of last year's growth is turning brown to black. I'm not sure what that is.

Should I cut it off???

The good news is that there's plenty of new, green growth.

Some of last year's growth is turning brown to black. I'm not sure what that is.

Should I cut it off???

The good news is that there's plenty of new, green growth.

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View attachment 555407
Appears to be bronzing.. I wouldn't think you'd see that in California.. typically caused by parts getting too cold, they should be fine
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