WTB: Paperbark Maple


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I know we are heading into winter here. I’m in WI (5b).
Mostly looking at trunk structure anyways and something that appeals to me.
Let me know if you have something- or know who I can reach out to!

last fall I saw one at Stein's for 75% off but I didn't have a saw with me. When I went back it was gone and I was sad. I have some seeds I'm going to cold sow this February
last fall I saw one at Stein's for 75% off but I didn't have a saw with me. When I went back it was gone and I was sad. I have some seeds I'm going to cold sow this February
I’m in Milwaukee area too!
Which Stein’s had it last fall?
Here are two places with them:

Mendocino Maples

Maplestone Ornamentals
I have four mature Acer Griseum on my property. Lately I’ve been finding seedlings in some of my beds - the leaves of three are easy to see. I dug them all up and have them in small pots. One’s about five years old, it’s about 30” in height and is already exfoliating in the Spring. One I have to dig out, it’s about 8 yrs old. Difficult to dig without hurting it. Might wait until dormant time, then dig and pull.

Anyway I have a few seedlings, and they are seedlings, maybe 2 - 3 years old. I’m taking one and it will be my first attempt at Bonsai.

I’ll post a few pics and I’ll start a new string when I do. Best time to ship these would be in November when they go dormant. If you want one, all I ask is priority shipping costs from Maryland (zone 7) to you. Or if you’re close, pick it up anytime. I’m in zip 21157.

I have four mature Acer Griseum on my property. Lately I’ve been finding seedlings in some of my beds - the leaves of three are easy to see. I dug them all up and have them in small pots. One’s about five years old, it’s about 30” in height and is already exfoliating in the Spring. One I have to dig out, it’s about 8 yrs old. Difficult to dig without hurting it. Might wait until dormant time, then dig and pull.

Anyway I have a few seedlings, and they are seedlings, maybe 2 - 3 years old. I’m taking one and it will be my first attempt at Bonsai.

I’ll post a few pics and I’ll start a new string when I do. Best time to ship these would be in November when they go dormant. If you want one, all I ask is priority shipping costs from Maryland (zone 7) to you. Or if you’re close, pick it up anytime. I’m in zip 21157.

OMG!!! That would be incredibly awesome! Thank you for thinking of me!!! (I ordered like 40 seeds... and none of them germinated!)

Can you send me pictures of them now in a PM? (and of course i'd pay you! Sadly, I'm in WI-53072, so not close.)
The bigger ones, I could definitely give you guidance for digging out when those are dormant. I would LOVE those too!
I’m going away for a week, so when i get back I’ll do photos. I looked them over last night. I picked the one I’m going to experiment with as a bonsai. So I’ll have two or three available.

These came up in my perennial bed. There might be more once i cut some bamboo back and can see the ground better.

My four large Paperbacks produce a lot of seed each year. Not many germinate l. I’d say one seed out of thousands. Last year I gathered up a handful of seeds and planted them, not one came up.

Next week I’ll do the post. Dan, you’re number one on my list. Just remember the smallest ones are barely six inches. The largest is three feet and already exfoliating.
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