WTB Oaks and Larch


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Arcadia, CA

I'm looking for anything from 2 year seedlings to older "pre-bonsai" stock. In regards to oak trees I'm specifically looking for coastal live oaks, but others are fine as well. Any of the larch species are fine too. Preferably I am searching for things in the sub $100 range--the lower the better. Anyhow the worst I can say is no, so I will pretty much entertain any offers.

Thanks for reading,
I have several cork oaks and coast live oaks in the $100 range. 25 to 35 yrs old in five gallon pots. Good trunks. Excellent pre-bonsai stock. If still interested, please respond. I can get pix in a day or two. Where are you located?
Barry Altshule
I have several cork oaks and coast live oaks in the $100 range. 25 to 35 yrs old in five gallon pots. Good trunks. Excellent pre-bonsai stock. If still interested, please respond. I can get pix in a day or two. Where are you located?
Barry Altshule
I sent you a message. let me know if you received it. If not, I would be interested in some coast live oaks. I would have to see pictures first though. Thanks!

My location is Arcadia, CA.
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Got your message and responded. Will send you pix on Sunday. Located in Hacienda Heights, CA
Having a huge sale of cork and coast live oaks; all my stock from five gallon to 15 gallon containers on Sat/Sun, Feb 13 and 14, 8 am to 1 pm. Over 120 trees. All my stock is mature with large trunks and good movement. PM me for my address and phone number as well as your info so I can send you a flyer.
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