wtb katsura cuttings

If you don't find what you need, it looks like Jen's Farm Maples has Katsura in stock. That will be a small, grafted tree in a 1 gallon pot, so you'd have to grow it out a season or two and take cuttings from it.
That was not clear to me. I assumed Deutsch WestFalen
Nope Dallas Fort Worth 🤣

Thats the problem with abbreviations, they can apply to a number of places in the world
I had the same thing when someone put "Twin Cities" on their profile. They meant Missouri twin cities but the twin cities I know of are in Maine
it is an extra click though
@Applicative , I don't have any available but I've been practicing taking cuttings. I'm interested in what you think would be a reasonable price for cuttings? Say 1 yr old

Got my baby Katsura (1 gallon pot) from a local nursery. Very hard to find this cultivar in my area (9B). I'd grow it from seeds if you don't wanna risk having a tree shipped from another state.
from seeds
THAT uis not going to work. A cultivar does not grow true from seed. Only layering / cuttings will results in a true katsura.

This may feel pedantic but is actually critical. For instance Deshojo has lost its vibrance of the original strain in many places, as people have been planting seeds and slowly loosing the key-characteristics. So please, do NOT grow from seed and name it anything other than Acer palmatum. Leave out the cultivar it was propagated from.

If you don't wanna risk having a tree shipped from another state
Why would this be an issue?
THAT uis not going to work. A cultivar does not grow true from seed. Only layering / cuttings will results in a true katsura.
Well, yes, any Japanese maple grown from seed is just Acer Palmatum. But if you're a bonsai hobbyist, and you plant 25 seeds and maybe 5 resemble a Katsura cultivar, wouldn't you use them for your projects? Maybe I'm not that picky. I can't actually tell the difference between Katsura and Orange Dream. I find both equally pretty tbh
Looking for katsura cuttings for a forest

Send me an email. I got you

Send me an email. I got you

Are you willing to send small orders to the U.S. or do you still only want large commercial orders?
Are you willing to send small orders to the U.S. or do you still only want large commercial orders?
I'll take the small order question as "no" since you've been to the forum after I posted the question and currently reading another thread now. I cant handle 50-100 plants to make it worth your effort, just dont gave the space. I'll forget your site exists and look elsewhere.
I'll take the small order question as "no" since you've been to the forum after I posted the question and currently reading another thread now. I cant handle 50-100 plants to make it worth your effort, just dont gave the space. I'll forget your site exists and look elsewhere.


The link to contact me is above
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