I recently repotted a serissa and a dwarf pomegranate tree that were looking good before I repotted them. Less than a week later I noticed that both of the tress are wilting and don't look so good. All the leafs are there and they are green in color but most of the leafs are wilted. I keep the trees indoor close to a window that gets about 4-6 of sun light and the temperature is about 24-25C, 75-77F in the room. Decent amount of humidity. Good draining soil with akadama, grit, soil that I use for my other bonsai tress, which are healthy. I heavly watered once since I repotted about 4 days ago.
Any idea why this is happening. Am over or underwatering? Are the trees just adjusting?
Any idea why this is happening. Am over or underwatering? Are the trees just adjusting?