Why Does this Make Me Laugh?

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So... where to begin with this doosie?

Are Scrolls now part of "American Bonsai " ?

Even though the very same people displaying their trees here at this show... told us at the Artisans Cup they weren't?

I guess this is what happens when you live in a "Bubble"...

You get to say one thing... then do the complete opposite...

I might be stupid, but it works and feels much more normal. than sticking
oriental shapes behind Western work.
I would have probably had fewer painted conifers.
Perhaps also less colourful, more muted ?
Good Day

I might be stupid, but it works and feels much more normal. than sticking
oriental shapes behind Western work.
I would have probably had fewer painted conifers.
Perhaps also less colourful, more muted ?
Good Day
You missed the point...
No one sticks Oriental Shapes behind Western work.

That in fact... the only difference between what I have been doing for years before the Artisans Cup and the whole "American Bonsai " movement... is exactly the same thing. Only without the top and bottom wood dowels.
Only without the top and bottom wood dowels.

Only? There is no good painting between those missing dowels either!

where to begin with this doosie?



Fake pastel "stained glass" looking shitart.



Perfectly painted spruce?
Gnarly Junipers?


A. Joke?


Trashing Bonsai.




My turds are more pleasant to look at.


This made me throw up in my mouth.....
And when I spit it out...
I used it to paint something prettier.

Stay tuned for The NEXT best Thing Out Of Portland....IMG_1630.JPG

Super Clash!


Your crazy Sorce! I call the display at the PBM innovative and creative. You can't really call that a scroll in my opinion. For the record I like your scrolls very much and you have a ton of talent. You can see the eastern influence with your work more than these. That is not a bad thing. I didn't like the PBM skateboard thing so much but this one is really interesting.

one way to get the conversation started.
Good Day


now after that mild reaction, would have turned the tree in pic.4
in the other direction to lead the eye back into to the "stained glass"?

Frankly, I like the trees against a simple background and maybe on a
box covered in similar paper.
Just the tree, nothing else.

I believe you to be very, very talented, but I would rather look at your work as it stands by itself.

I also believe you have both the maturity as a Fine Artist and creativity to alter those scrolls
so they look less like Chinese wannabes to a truly Western painting.

Always enjoy looking at your work, as does K.
Good Day
I'll take a deck over This anyday!

What. Is. This?

Throwback to ugly 70's art deco no one like anymore?


My reaction wasn't as strong as Sorce's, and art is definitely subjective, but my first thought looking at those was that I didn't really care for the paintings.
Only? There is no good painting between those missing dowels either!



Fake pastel "stained glass" looking shitart.



Perfectly painted spruce?
Gnarly Junipers?


A. Joke?


Trashing Bonsai.




My turds are more pleasant to look at.


This made me throw up in my mouth.....
And when I spit it out...
I used it to paint something prettier.

Stay tuned for The NEXT best Thing Out Of Portland....View attachment 144720

Super Clash!


Only? There is no good painting between those missing dowels either!



Fake pastel "stained glass" looking shitart.



Perfectly painted spruce?
Gnarly Junipers?


A. Joke?


Trashing Bonsai.




My turds are more pleasant to look at.


This made me throw up in my mouth.....
And when I spit it out...
I used it to paint something prettier.

Stay tuned for The NEXT best Thing Out Of Portland....View attachment 144720

Super Clash!


First of all, hilarious response your the man. Also I didn't color you as such a traditionalist, or do you just not like this attempt at working outside the box?
I've seen these on instagram over the past few weeks, some of them I like, some of them not. such a portlandia thing to do. However, the portland bonsai club instagram page does have some real real dope trees. certainly respectable.
That in fact... the only difference between what I have been doing for years before the Artisans Cup and the whole "American Bonsai " movement... is exactly the same thing. Only without the top and bottom wood dowels.

This stuff is at least original, not cheap copies of Asian scroll work.
Also I didn't color you as such a traditionalist, or do you just not like this attempt at working outside the box?

I completely honor what anything IS...

Be it bonsai, penjing, natural, sculpted, brocc brocc, dead!

To .me. ...

This IS....

Just. Way off!

Love .the. Paintings!

Great. Trees!

I like it - tree's are nice and the art it nice. I like something that is different and unique, makes you think outside the box whether you agree or disagree with it. No need to be an internet hulk about it
Not quite sure who is being an Internet hulk?

I personally never voiced my opinion one way or another regarding whether or not I thought the work was good... or not.

I merely suggested the absurdity of telling folks not to use them... then all of a sudden using them.

As far as thinking outside the box... and being unique... This is the problem isn't it? There is actually nothing unique or outside of the box with this... that in fact trees have been shown in a similar way for hundreds of years now... but, when all of a sudden folks in Seattle do it... it is all somehow so "New" and "Inventive".
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