Where are the rules for selling in this forum?


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Hello all,

Where are the rules for selling on this forum? I can't find the link. I will delete this post when I find them.

Bonsai people tend to be fairly civil, so this site doesn't really need many rules, but recently a few people have been scammed, so everyone has gotten just a little bit wary of new members selling stuff.

Also, just a heads up, there is no way to delete a post. Your question is here forever.
Thanks so much! I was planning on putting a link to my Ebay store so wouldn't really be selling it on here per se.
If you wish to post direct links to things that you are selling right now, that would be fine. If you are just posting a link to another site... without anything specific... it all depends on your reputation on this site and in the bonsai community more broadly. If you are a well-known member of the community, it is allowed. If you are not very well-known, be prepared to answer some questions first... just to avoid people getting scammed.
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