When to dig flowering almond?


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North ID
I was given a older flowering almond and I'd like to get it out of the ground as soon as possible. Do I have to wait until the leaf buds start to show green or can I take it as soon as the snow melts and the ground is workable?

I have no idea what the plant actually looks like, its in a neglected bed over ran with grass that gets very little water or light. Its been there quite a few years so should have a decent sized trunk.
In North Idaho you folks will still be a in deep freeze until April... Why do you need to get it out of the ground as soon as possible? Is there a specific reason or are you just impatient (like all of us)?
Mostly impatent but I really want to check on the health of the plant and get it in a pot so I can start tending to it. It was in pretty bad shape last year with our dry summer.

We are usually out of deep freeze by march but I suspect we will have a early spring this year. Its been warm enough that the ground isn't frozen at the moment. I took some pussy willow and red twig dogwood cuttings a couple days ago and both have leaf buds already showing. Next week should be in the 40's
I would be concerned with it having foilage low enough to stay alive in a pot....

Will these take to a hacking and pot up?

Or would it be better to chop it now...
And get some growth low for a year, to help it survive a transplant?

I don't know if it will survive another year where its at, especially if we have another dry summer like last year. If a pot is a bad idea or it looks like it won't have much foliage, I could always put it in the ground here.
I'll head over in the next couple days and see if I can locate it under the snow and uncover it so I know what I'm working with.
I would be concerned with it having foilage low enough to stay alive in a pot....

Will these take to a hacking and pot up?

Or would it be better to chop it now...
And get some growth low for a year, to help it survive a transplant?

At the nursery we mow these things down in spring and they grow like hell.
As far as digging goes I would wait until I see swelling buds, at that point it's about go break dormancy and would have the least recovery time. I'm excited to see this thing.

Good luck, Aaron
Thanks Aaron, I'm excited to see it too. Glad to hear that they are tough but I kind of figured that seeing as its still alive with the neglect its had the last few years. Heck, mom had forgot it was even there until I spotted flowers peeking out of the 2' grass last year. I'm just glad she is letting me take it.
I have one and they can take a beating with pruning. Wait until the last frost is gone and bud show sign of moving then dig it up. I have a thread somewhere around here
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