What's Eating My China Doll?


Imperial Masterpiece
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Southern Colorado, USA
Are these the scale people talk about all the time? Aside from the general garden pests like aphids and grasshoppers I've not had any real issues with bugs or disease so far, so I'm unsure.

I've moved the tree away from all the others for the time being. Haven't noticed them on anything else so far.
I have neem oil on hand, but that's it.
Technically, mealy bugs are unarmored scale, and there are several kinds.
Ah. Well at least I'm good at keeping SOMETHING healthy.

How would you recommend I deal with them? I have neem oil, and have heard of homemade treatments, but I'll have to look them up again.
I always keep a spray bottle handy with soapy water. I use Dr Bronners but dish washing soap will work. I blast them when I see them. Now if they get down in the soil, and they will, a systemic like Bonide Granuals works. occasionally I have to bare root a plant and soak roots, but that is an extreme treatment I seldom have to use.
Take em out. I have tons of experience with those fuckers. They can take over real quick, just ask my poor Hoyas. Spent half an hour yesterday removing them by hand. Alcohol on a qtip or paper towel will do the job. When you think you've got them all, check again. After you got all that you missed, check one more time.
Used diluted alcohol in spray bottle and hit the whole tree. I know it's not great for the tree, but I don't feel like taking my chances with them infesting the rest of my trees.

It'll be time to move the tropicals indoors before long, and when that happens I hit them all hard with a tobacco tea. Kills pretty much everything on the cheap, but I won't use it when they're outside because it'll kill even the beneficials.
Plants don't mind the alcohol. Its easy to think that plants and animals have similar reactions to substances when it is not always the case. And sometimes it is. I know a lot of people who don't mind alcohol. ( I know we are talking different alcohols).
But seriously, I have sprayed alcohol on plants many times. Real quick knock down and then it evaporates.
Plants don't mind the alcohol. Its easy to think that plants and animals have similar reactions to substances when it is not always the case. And sometimes it is. I know a lot of people who don't mind alcohol. ( I know we are talking different alcohols).
But seriously, I have sprayed alcohol on plants many times. Real quick knock down and then it evaporates.
I've used it before on other plants with mixed effects depending on the amount/duration. An occasional targeted spritz doesn't seem to bother most plants, but a complete spray down is another matter. I just don't know how this one will respond, so I'm mentally preparing myself for a recovery period.
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