Whats a good 0-10-10 liquid fertilizer


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South Florida
I've been searching for a good 0-10-10 fertilizer and looking on some inputs on some good brands. Also I want to stay away from the fish fertilizer. I just want to have some on hand for late summer and early fall to harden off my maples before winter.
How do you define "good" with regards to fertilizer?
How do you define "good" with regards to fertilizer?

Basically what i meant as "good" is there a company like jacks or miracle grow that sells a water soluble 0-10-10 fertilizer? I found a few on ebay but there's no brand just a sticker on a bottle that says 0-10-10. Non nitrogen isn't as common that's the reason. I just don't want to buy a bottle of snake oil. From this article I may not even need it. http://bonsainurseryman.typepad.com/bonsainurseryman/2006/08/the_myth_of_010.html
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look down a bit at the "Morebloom". But liquid organic tends to be expensive for the amount of ferts that you're getting.

This is what I use... usually get it at the local ACE (because its a locally owned hardware store that doesn't suck... and people actually know hardware)

now ... on the idea that 0-10-10 by it self does something magical... that of course is nonsense.... but I do drastically reduce the amount of N I bother giving the trees usually sometime after Halloween or there abouts ....

still leave the tea bags full of fert (5-5-5) on and slow down to only feeding with liquid every other week ... a single gallon jug has lasted me 2yrs ( I also don't mix it too heavy ) ... if that is expensive (people say that a lot about organics) then I don't know what to say .... fertilizer is cheaper than a sick/dead tree ....
This is what I use... usually get it at the local ACE (because its a locally owned hardware store that doesn't suck... and people actually know hardware)

now ... on the idea that 0-10-10 by it self does something magical... that of course is nonsense.... but I do drastically reduce the amount of N I bother giving the trees usually sometime after Halloween or there abouts ....

still leave the tea bags full of fert (5-5-5) on and slow down to only feeding with liquid every other week ... a single gallon jug has lasted me 2yrs ( I also don't mix it too heavy ) ... if that is expensive (people say that a lot about organics) then I don't know what to say .... fertilizer is cheaper than a sick/dead tree ....

Thanks for the info. Does the ALASKA" MORBLOOM FERTILIZER have a strong fish smell to it? The Lowes store in my area carries it and a gallon is $11.90
honestly I have no idea...... its been a while since I used it .... and I prolly wouldn't notice ...
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