What trees like pond baskets?


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I vaguely recall some trees like pond baskets, and others do not. I can't remember exactly; I think it may have been Pine likes them, junipers don't? Help! I am repotting over the next few weeks, and for a few of my trees don't have large enough grow pots but do have some pond baskets.

Also, any difference between a pond basket and anderson flat as far as which trees like which? I have a few dawn redwoods in (immitation) anderson flats, and they are doing fine, but also noticed the roots shift a bit more because the flat isn't as rigid as a pot.

(Putting into the ground isn't an option.)
Pines definitely.

I think it may also depend on your environment and your personal availability for watering. If you live in a very dry, windy climate and you can't water twice a day in summer, they might be less desirable than a rainy, humid climate.
There's nothing magical about pond baskets. They're just extremely well-drained pots. That means whatever you put into them will get lots of air and dry out faster. Some trees like it dry, and others die if they dry out. That's all there is to it.
Pond baskets are for pond plants. Anderson flats are superior; stable sides, shallow & wide and plenty of aeration on the bottom.
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