Just shy of 3/4" at soil line which is about a half inch below the spahgnum you see.Nice work. What's the trunk diameter...can you let me know? Just at or slightly above the soil line.
Thanks Djtommy.I have a few multi/ double trunks coming up.Cuttings this season.These are planted right on top of inverted clay saucers inside the colanders in an inch of soil.Should look good in a couple years.Nice work for just 2,5 years. Looking good
Im thinking of starting one too next year, thinking of making a multitrunk, there is this really nice multitrunktree at a place where i go work sometimes.its inspriring
Glad to here it,Mfrary.Thanks,glad you like the thread!I am enjoying the process of growing some trees.Have about a hundred elm seedlings I plan on heading in this direction. Your I'm gonna make brooms thread is the shit.
Good going,great documentation and you're going to have some wicked trees in the future.