What fertilizer do you use/recommend for refinement stage and why?


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I’m looking for a fertilizer, Bio-Gold seems so expensive when there are other fertilizers with similar or the same NPK. However the bio-gold on bonsai outlet with diff packaging is way cheaper & it says it’s Japanese. Any recommendations and information is appreciated, thanks.
I use whatever superfly bonsai or stone lantern sells in the balance pellets. I think it’s 5-7-4 and like 100 bucks for 25 lbs
I do calculations on N in different fertilizers and use the cheapest source I can get. The trees do not care where their N comes from or how much it cost. Down here it's usually "Thrive" soluble fert.
I use Dr.Earth 555 all-purpose fertilizer for most of my trees. I vary the amount depending on stage of refinement. The stuff is cheap, easy to find, and yields good growth.

I use Biogold only on my specimen/refined trees, but even then I don't think the trees can tell whether they're getting biogold or Dr.earth.
In refinement, or when I want trees to slow down, I just use less fertilizer in spring and summer. But it's the same stuff I always use: cheap animal waste mixed with cheap animal waste.
About 8 euros for 5kg.
I've been using Biogold with great results. I also use a Brazilian organic called Taegold, some Liquid Bokashi, and Fish emulsion (not at the same time, of course).
We try to alternate among the liquid ones , while I use the pelleted always inside teabags, so they can be taken out if needed.
I've tried 4 or 5 different fertilizers so far and honestly have not noticed much of a difference between any that have similar Nitrogen numbers. I'm thinking that timing (when to start in relation to your pruning or decandling, etc) and amount of application are probably more important than which brand you use.
I was thinking about switching to osmocote for development trees. However I still have most of my fertilizers from last year so I'll probably just stick with those until they run out. In the past like others have said, I just dial in the amount I use based on the tree.
I use whatever superfly bonsai or stone lantern sells in the balance pellets. I think it’s 5-7-4 and like 100 bucks for 25 lbs
Did you notice any smell from the Superfly fertilizer? Does it attract animals like chipmunks?
Did you notice any smell from the Superfly fertilizer? Does it attract animals like chipmunks?
The pellets smell a little more than biogold, less than the loose granules. Nowhere close to other organics like epsoma stuff. Haven’t had issues with animals
The pellets smell a little more than biogold, less than the loose granules. Nowhere close to other organics like epsoma stuff. Haven’t had issues with animals
Perfect! Thank you for sharing your experience!
Do they break down easily with watering? Do you use them in tea bags or just leave them on the surface?
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