Was at Benny Kim's Today


Mister 500,000
Reaction score
Somewhere South of Phoenix
Dropped in at Benny Kim's place today on our way from Vegas to the beach. What a nice guy! I am going to stop in tomorrow and pick up a few things.
LOL well my phone's battery was dead (listened to pandora from Vegas) He really does have some awesome stuff.
its been years since I visited mr kim's nursery. back in the day, and perhaps still today, mr kim had the best selection ( and prices ) of procumbens nana junipers I'd ever run across-anywhere. he also had many large prostratas. some of the best junipers I have, came from him

best wishes, sam
Sadly the SD card on my phone was nearly full so I only got five pictures from Mr. Kim's place today. The first two are elms which would totally work for shohin. ;) See my sunglasses for scale in the first pic:

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Pine about caliper about as big as my thigh (mind you I have chicken legs) and a couple of junis.

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I will have pics of my little purchases ASAP.
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