Well it would be hypocritical of me to say I support free speech and contrary opinions, and not let people criticize me
However the door swings both ways. It is just as easy for a beginner to become disenchanted with the site as a veteran. When you have someone like
@Smoke who has god only knows how many years of experience (30+) in the industry, and a prior officer of the largest bonsai organization in the country, offering advice on one of your trees, and you just shut him down without the slightest consideration... how likely is it that he will offer advice to someone in the future? Why bother?
There is a long list of professionals who are members of this site who rarely comment any more. They come to the site, read the threads, but don't offer advice any more. I assume for this very reason. Why would they? Their time is worth thousands of dollars!
@Walter Pall works on trees that are worth what some people make in a year. Why would he want to comment on someone's tree if his advice is just going to be treated with disrespect? Instead he'll go and be the headliner at someone's bonsai convention where he'll have hundreds of people lining up to hear his opinion. I don't think people fully appreciate some of the talent and experience they have access to on this site.