Wanted to trade: Two nice little Maples............

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Well it would be hypocritical of me to say I support free speech and contrary opinions, and not let people criticize me :)

However the door swings both ways. It is just as easy for a beginner to become disenchanted with the site as a veteran. When you have someone like @Smoke who has god only knows how many years of experience (30+) in the industry, and a prior officer of the largest bonsai organization in the country, offering advice on one of your trees, and you just shut him down without the slightest consideration... how likely is it that he will offer advice to someone in the future? Why bother?

There is a long list of professionals who are members of this site who rarely comment any more. They come to the site, read the threads, but don't offer advice any more. I assume for this very reason. Why would they? Their time is worth thousands of dollars! @Walter Pall works on trees that are worth what some people make in a year. Why would he want to comment on someone's tree if his advice is just going to be treated with disrespect? Instead he'll go and be the headliner at someone's bonsai convention where he'll have hundreds of people lining up to hear his opinion. I don't think people fully appreciate some of the talent and experience they have access to on this site.
Sadly you nailed it...
@Bonsai Nut I think your expectation of self moderation is very reasonable. I respect your approach. Shouldn't we all be employing that as our own personal standard anyway?

Sure. But people are human. We get grumpy. We lose our tempers. We misunderstand intentions.

So it isn't enough to just "self-moderate". We need to spend more energy on forgiving minor slights than we do on being offended. Sadly, being offended is much easier to do :)
Sure. But people are human. We get grumpy. We lose our tempers. We misunderstand intentions.

So it isn't enough to just "self-moderate". We need to spend more energy on forgiving minor slights than we do on being offended. Sadly, being offended is much easier to do :)

In the spirit of your response - Dario, wherever you are, I forgive being offended by most things you've ever said here on the forum. I'll even buy you a beer if I ever see you in person. There, I feel better now. :p
EDIT: @Bonsai Nut I have 57 posts in this thread and with a total of 273 posts that's approximately 21% of this threads posts. If you were to subtract from that number the posts of mine that are non confrontational the 57 would probably go down to 40 or so dropping the 21% into the teens percentage wise making my contribution to the problem in this thread around 18%. Yup, I'm definitely the problem lmao:)

No matter how you twist numbers....

This is not a math problem.

It's a social science problem.

If one person is wrong...
And five people are right...

The person who's wrong is no less wrong because there is only one of them.

Wow...just how stupid that truth sounds goes so far in proving the problem.

I'm not saying I'm God...

Of course I am...

But that has absolutely nothing to do with how I can go to either a knife forum...
Or a MMA....
Or a mdma Forum...
Or a reef tank forum...
Or a broke pecker Forum....
A wood pecker Forum.
A black panther forum....
A kkk forum....

More or less...anywhere....

And not get into the Silly fights you self admittedly get in everywhere.
Oh...that Applies to real life too, not just the internet.

Perhaps you are too confrontational?

Translucently "thin skin"?

A reading disorder?

I Have a Problem....

I am naive.
Too nice.
Been said I care about others more than myself.

Yeah..I don't have any problems that are bad for social situations, or for people around me.

So maybe its easier to admit them to myself.....

Either way...

Looking internally helps.

No matter how you twist numbers....

This is not a math problem.

It's a social science problem.

If one person is wrong...
And five people are right...

The person who's wrong is no less wrong because there is only one of them.

Wow...just how stupid that truth sounds goes so far in proving the problem.

I'm not saying I'm God...

Of course I am...

But that has absolutely nothing to do with how I can go to either a knife forum...
Or a MMA....
Or a mdma Forum...
Or a reef tank forum...
Or a broke pecker Forum....
A wood pecker Forum.
A black panther forum....
A kkk forum....

More or less...anywhere....

And not get into the Silly fights you self admittedly get in everywhere.
Oh...that Applies to real life too, not just the internet.

Perhaps you are too confrontational?

Translucently "thin skin"?

A reading disorder?

I Have a Problem....

I am naive.
Too nice.
Been said I care about others more than myself.

Yeah..I don't have any problems that are bad for social situations, or for people around me.

So maybe its easier to admit them to myself.....

Either way...

Looking internally helps.


Here is me trying to walk away AGAIN! Let's see how many people try to real me back in with words of ignorance and then have the audacity to say that I'm the problem:)
Here is me trying to walk away AGAIN! Let's see how many people try to real me back in with words of ignorance and then have the audacity to say that I'm the problem:)
I've tried to keep away from this thread but I'm getting tired of seeing it always in the recent posts near the top of the page. It's sad that this has gone on as long as it has. This is an Internet forum. Nobody can make you come back and post here but yourself. You could've walked away and ignored this thread many pages ago. You speak of ignorance but that's the real ignorance right there. It's things like this that are the reason I don't participate much here or in other forums and the reason I've quit completely with some.
I've tried to keep away from this thread but I'm getting tired of seeing it always in the recent posts near the top of the page. It's sad that this has gone on as long as it has. This is an Internet forum. Nobody can make you come back and post here but yourself. You could've walked away and ignored this thread many pages ago. You speak of ignorance but that's the real ignorance right there. It's things like this that are the reason I don't participate much here or in other forums and the reason I've quit completely with some.

Contestant number 1, thank you for your participation! BTW, I shouldn't have to stay away from this thread, it's my thread! But, those who have nothing to offer in terms of what this thread was originally intended very well should have stayed away. Please tell me how I'm wrong:)
Here is me trying to walk away AGAIN! Let's see how many people try to real me back in with words of ignorance and then have the audacity to say that I'm the problem:)
I'll bite. Its ok to let things go, even in threads you start. You don't always have to have the last word, like barros said, because then there will never be one. You've got nothing to prove, and you're not going to prove anything here anyway. Ease up and don't be so defensive. Not every comment thrown your way is a grenade. Sometimes people really are just trying to help. Like me. Here. Now.
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