Wallace Fernspray Hinoki


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Columbus NC
I am starting a thread I hope to continue to update over the years on my Hinoki Fernspray. I am not sure of the exact cultivar, but it was a nursery tree I was given in about 2008-2010. I placed it in the ground as part of the landscape for about 5 ish years, then dug it up around 2015 and put it into a round bonsai pot. This is sadly the first photo I could find for it but for the previous 5 years, I really let it grow without much thought. For a few years in about 2018-2020 I did some light pull down wires. This photo was the summer of 2020 when I first began to design the tree. I realized after I had already removed a few branches I should get a starting photo-- I am bad about pictures :(. The second photo is from February of 2022. it shows some progress pulling branches down and It was repotted in spring of 21 into a smaller round pot. The third photo is from April of 2022 where I repotted it into a wood fired oval (I should probably have waited a few more years...) But the color of course is coming back as spring hits.


The next photo if from a year later in April of 2023-- it had a decent year of growth but I was not happy with the overall shape. I really want to have a tighter look and hopefully an older look. So shortly after I got rid of the two right branches to try and make it look like something on that side fell on it.


In the early spring this year I did more detail wiring. This is where it is at now (More green than this photo from a month ago). I like the direction it is going. A friend advised to start stripping off the bark like you would do on a Shimpaku Juniper. Does anyone know if they generally have a nice red underbark? I also plan to work on the Jins this year and think I will take the Shari down to some of the other knots below.

I am always happy to get suggestions and feedback, and will try and update over time. I will probably make a shallower pot-- (probably a rounded rectangle), but probably not until spring of 26.
Thanks-- Rob
I really like this tree. Really feels like it evokes the ancient redwoods in a forest somewhere.

The only thing that stood out to me is that the current branch profile seems relatively consistent. Maybe varying the silhouettes would add interest? That might just be an artifact of only seeing it in 2D though
In the early spring this year I did more detail wiring. This is where it is at now (More green than this photo from a month ago). I like the direction it is going. A friend advised to start stripping off the bark like you would do on a Shimpaku Juniper. Does anyone know if they generally have a nice red underbark? I also plan to work on the Jins this year and think I will take the Shari down to some of the other knots below.

I am always happy to get suggestions and feedback, and will try and update over time. I will probably make a shallower pot-- (probably a rounded rectangle), but probably not until spring of 26.
Thanks-- Rob
View attachment 537875
Nice one! The bark should not be removed like junipers. The flakey bark is a notable characteristic of Hinoki and I don't believe they have red layers below. There might be other reasons related not to remove it, too.
I really like this tree. Really feels like it evokes the ancient redwoods in a forest somewhere.

The only thing that stood out to me is that the current branch profile seems relatively consistent. Maybe varying the silhouettes would add interest? That might just be an artifact of only seeing it in 2D though
View attachment 538169
Thanks for the feedback :). I completely agree with your suggestion. I hope that if I get another good season of growth this year I can have more options with the pads. I also want to make sure have some negative space in the upper 3rd as well and will likely remove a few more small branches as others expand/bifurcate. I am still learning this species but my goal in the last few prunings and wirings were to keep the foliage near the base so I could keep it pretty compact as they are not back budders. But as you commented my hope is to create the impression of an old redwood, I am glad you see that already. Thanks again-- feedback is always welcome and I hope to post a summer update as it fills back out some.
Nice one! The bark should not be removed like junipers. The flakey bark is a notable characteristic of Hinoki and I don't believe they have red layers below. There might be other reasons related not to remove it, too.
Thank you for very much letting me know-- I was pondering starting to strip some of it this summer, but will hold off now.
Just an end of summer update. It is in need of a pruning but I am going to wait until May/June. It has filled out a lot this year, I extended the deadwood/Shari but and not sure where I am going to go with the front. I may rotate it some to show more deadwood, however I do. not like the bottom branch movement very well at the moment and so I like leaving it to the back more than the other views. I am going to make a round pot for it next year, so while still in development it is more flexible in discussing and varying the front. I am putting the original angle first and then several versions of possible fronts as well. There is still a lot of time to be developing the pads and the bottom branch may not bother me as much once the pads get a little more developed but we will see. If you have any opinions please feel free to share.


Coming along nicely. I see no reason to rotate it, I’d just increase the drop on the upper branches some more.
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