Hmm…. I’m actually not sure what to think about your two fertilizer choices. Both seem awful weak in nutrients…. that’s why each are used in container plant mixes and in the landscape, respectively, where one uses less fertilizer due to the inherent nature of these soils….
That leaves me wondering what kind of media you are using for bonsai? If it’s any kind of bonsai media, neither of these fertilizers seems appropriate.
if you are using bonsai media, I’d put both of those two products aside and chose something else more appropriate. At worst these fertilizers are doing little to move your bonsai forward, at worst each are gunking up the pores in your soil.
Here’s the background data on these and three other fertilizers often used in bonsai.
A bit of research shows both the Performance and Tree and shrub formulas are very low nutrient fertilizers.
The Miracle Grow Performance has extremely low amounts of all three NPK nutrients. NPK is 0.19% 0.03% 0.03%
Miracle Gro Tree and Shrub has less Nitrogen and only a tiny bit more Phosphate and Potash….NPK is 0.09% 0.05% 0.07% with 0.07% Fe

In contrast Biogold, which is the standard conservative organic fertilizer used in bonsai, rocks in at an NPK of: 5.5% 6.5% 3.5%….
Finally Miracid and Osmocote Plus 6 month slow release, on the more liberal end of the bonsai spectrum have NPKs of:
Miracid for acid loving plants NPK:30% 10% 10% with 6 micronutrients, including Fe and Mn.
Omocote Plus 6 month slow release NPK: 15% 9% 12% and 8 micronutrients including Fe, Mn
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