My lucky little find
Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Top Point’
Top Point White Cedar
After going to 6 other places this week looking for anything different then rosemary and spruce, I found something different where I least expected it.
I stopped at a mini mart to get my wife something to drink and as I go to check out I end up chatting with the cashier about this competition and my tree hunting woes. She walks over to the other register and pulls up a little tree she said somebody didn’t want earlier. Apparently it was the last one of this kind and it had not gone back outside yet.
I’m excited because it is the only of this kind that I have come across AND a quick google came up with more results as bonsai then all the other species I’ve seen so far combined. Not that there were many but it was a good sign I hope.
No idea what to do with it and I hope it is a decent species/ cultivar to work with. I need more research!
More picture will come tomorrow when I take a closer look at the trunk. It seems to be leaning to the side a little bit. Hard to tell because the foliage is sooo dense.
I am a little concerned that it is a dwarf tree and that it might take a long time to recover from any extreme styling. I don’t have a feel for this kind of stuff yet.
Chamaecyparis thyoides ‘Top Point’
Top Point White Cedar
After going to 6 other places this week looking for anything different then rosemary and spruce, I found something different where I least expected it.
I stopped at a mini mart to get my wife something to drink and as I go to check out I end up chatting with the cashier about this competition and my tree hunting woes. She walks over to the other register and pulls up a little tree she said somebody didn’t want earlier. Apparently it was the last one of this kind and it had not gone back outside yet.
I’m excited because it is the only of this kind that I have come across AND a quick google came up with more results as bonsai then all the other species I’ve seen so far combined. Not that there were many but it was a good sign I hope.
No idea what to do with it and I hope it is a decent species/ cultivar to work with. I need more research!
More picture will come tomorrow when I take a closer look at the trunk. It seems to be leaning to the side a little bit. Hard to tell because the foliage is sooo dense.
I am a little concerned that it is a dwarf tree and that it might take a long time to recover from any extreme styling. I don’t have a feel for this kind of stuff yet.