Tsukumo Cypress


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Dallas, Texas
I just received this little rascal... and really like it! I cleaned up the grounds, removed all of the crud and muck from inside the canopy... and gave it a light trimming around the ears. It cleaned up nicely, but still needs some work on thinning and definition. I'll save 'that' for a later date...
I'm having a difficult time finding in-depth details about certain things regarding Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Tsukomo’. If anyone is experienced with this as a bonsai, I'm open for all care suggestions. Also, I'm curious about pot size for when I re-pot this little guy. Would this Tsukumo be happy in a shallow pot, or would it prefer something deeper? It's currently somewhat root-bound... so a new home will be in it's near future.
This is how it arrived;
s-l1600 (8).jpg

This is how it looks after I cleaned it up; "Cute little bugger, huh?"
After Cleaning Up.jpg
I'll be studying it, closely, to determine how I wish to eventually thin it out and define its pads/pods, but for now... I'm just admiring it and chewing on future possibilities!
I just received this little rascal... and really like it! I cleaned up the grounds, removed all of the crud and muck from inside the canopy... and gave it a light trimming around the ears. It cleaned up nicely, but still needs some work on thinning and definition. I'll save 'that' for a later date...
I'm having a difficult time finding in-depth details about certain things regarding Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Tsukomo’. If anyone is experienced with this as a bonsai, I'm open for all care suggestions. Also, I'm curious about pot size for when I re-pot this little guy. Would this Tsukumo be happy in a shallow pot, or would it prefer something deeper? It's currently somewhat root-bound... so a new home will be in it's near future.
This is how it arrived;
View attachment 220452

This is how it looks after I cleaned it up; "Cute little bugger, huh?"
View attachment 220453
I'll be studying it, closely, to determine how I wish to eventually thin it out and define its pads/pods, but for now... I'm just admiring it and chewing on future possibilities!
You wil find more information under the name Sawara Cypress. Same techniques and care. They do best in partial shade, protection for periods of cold below -10 C if over a few days at a time. Require frequent thinning to retain interior foliage. Once they reach a refined stage the thinning process can be up to three times per year. For this reason limit the number you add to your collection. They are high maintenance. They like medium to a bit deeper pot, good drainage and do not like to dry out. They respond well to wiring and form pads easily with refined foliage. One species that also responds to shaping with pinching the new growth tips. Here are a couple snaps of more mature Tsukomo.


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They like medium to a bit deeper pot

How about this sized pot, for its current state of growth? It's a bit smaller in diameter, as well as depth, (as compared to the nursery pot that it is currently in), as you can see in the photo. Use this pot as a visual reference and let me know what you think...

How about this sized pot, for its current state of growth? It's a bit smaller in diameter, as well as depth, (as compared to the nursery pot that it is currently in), as you can see in the photo. Use this pot as a visual reference and let me know what you think...

View attachment 220539
The answer depends on your plans for the plant. If you wish the trunk to get larger it is the wrong choice. If you are happy with the plants size then you can transition it to a bonsai pot. From this perspective, a photo only with little to figure out scale, the plant appears to be a starter. If i were developing it for bonsai ti would go into a grow box or the ground. If i wanted to focus on shohin, under 8 inches i might consider a pot.
The answer depends on your plans for the plant. If you wish the trunk to get larger it is the wrong choice. If you are happy with the plants size then you can transition it to a bonsai pot. From this perspective, a photo only with little to figure out scale, the plant appears to be a starter. If i were developing it for bonsai ti would go into a grow box or the ground. If i wanted to focus on shohin, under 8 inches i might consider a pot.
Thanks Frank. Yes, I'm wanting to keep it small and also looking to put it in a small pot. My question was... "Is this sized pot a safe size for this small tree?" The scale can be seen in my first photo, with the soda can beside it. I'm just wanting to make sure that the pot is large enough to keep this tree's roots happy and the tree small. :)
Thanks Frank. Yes, I'm wanting to keep it small and also looking to put it in a small pot. My question was... "Is this sized pot a safe size for this small tree?" The scale can be seen in my first photo, with the soda can beside it. I'm just wanting to make sure that the pot is large enough to keep this tree's roots happy and the tree small. :)
Yup that one will suit your purpose! I suspect it has one rainage hole so make sure the soil mix is free draining at all times.
TMJudd: I believe I bought a similar tree to yours in the post. I like how you made it look, and take interest in your pot selection.
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