Trident Leaves turning Yellow


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I have this trident which was root-bound and not watered properly. Bottom leaves turning yellow, tho the leader if 6 feet tall and all green. I have since added more soil in the same pot.

Should I let the leader run to keep the tree going, or do I cut the leader so more energy is focused on the bottom?



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Either way is fine.
The yellow leaves are caused by root issues, too dry or too wet. So they are not coming back from that, they will most likely drop the fastest.
But if the plant is in good health, this should not be an issue whether you cut the top growth or not.
Lower yellow leaves can be either
  • N deficiency (N is mobile so is moved from old lanes to promote new growth)
  • Lack of light.
Need to know a lot more about position ,care, watering, sunlight, etc before giving a diagnosis.

In general, whenever I have a problem with lower growth on a tree with strong, tall sacrifice shoots I will chop ASAP to preserve the lower shoots.
Lower yellow leaves can be either
  • N deficiency (N is mobile so is moved from old lanes to promote new growth)
  • Lack of light.
Need to know a lot more about position ,care, watering, sunlight, etc before giving a diagnosis.

In general, whenever I have a problem with lower growth on a tree with strong, tall sacrifice shoots I will chop ASAP to preserve the lower shoots.
The tree is in full light, like all my maples. I have not fertilized since spring as i used a time-released version.

It's watered by a neighbor daily, with good drainage. I didn't see soil having been ejected in the past month due to too strong of stream from a hose, set to stream , so some of the top roots likely dried out and died.
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