I recently received a collected douglas fir at a workshop - it's naturally in the candelabra style, with a dead original apex and one single branch coming off the side that has now turned into the new apex. The way that branch comes off the trunk, it goes out horizontally an inch or two, and then up vertically, sorta forming a "U" shape with the dead original apex.
What I'm looking to do is to expand the distance between the dead original apex and the part where that branch goes vertical. The branch is a bit flexible (I can bend it a good 1/4" out), but too thick to effectively use wire on it. Also, I don't think guy wires will be of much help given the lack of good anchor points - I'm not necessarily looking to move that branch down, but move the vertical part of the branch out laterally if that makes sense.
What I was thinking I could do is cut a block of wood as a wedge to fill that distance plus a little extra to push the branch out. In the alternative, I was wondering if there was some tool out there that could slowly open up that gap - sort of like the opposite of a vice or clamp or turnbuckle, where you can turn a handle to make the tool expand outwards.
Has anyone seen such a tool or found some other way to effectively expand a gap like that?
What I'm looking to do is to expand the distance between the dead original apex and the part where that branch goes vertical. The branch is a bit flexible (I can bend it a good 1/4" out), but too thick to effectively use wire on it. Also, I don't think guy wires will be of much help given the lack of good anchor points - I'm not necessarily looking to move that branch down, but move the vertical part of the branch out laterally if that makes sense.
What I was thinking I could do is cut a block of wood as a wedge to fill that distance plus a little extra to push the branch out. In the alternative, I was wondering if there was some tool out there that could slowly open up that gap - sort of like the opposite of a vice or clamp or turnbuckle, where you can turn a handle to make the tool expand outwards.
Has anyone seen such a tool or found some other way to effectively expand a gap like that?