Tons of bugs and damage on my JM


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North GA
Man, I have so much damage on all my JM leaves and found all kinds of pests all over it today. Was hoping I could get some ideas of what they are and how to get rid of them.

I believe these are green lacewing eggs? Is that right, and if so, should I leave them because they will eat aphids and other stuff?

I found 3 or 4 of these little brownish things on there, any ideas?


And then there was a ton of this white fluffy cotton stuff under leaves and on stems.


When I smeared it, there were little eggs inside.


Are these white fly eggs?

And then finally, there was this giant thing on top.

Also had some spider mites I believe that I didn't get pictures of.

As you can see, there's tons of leaves all eaten and chewed up. As well as all these circular spots that are browned and damaged. Is this sun damage, or something else? Any insight would be good, I've been spraying with Mite-x, but I'm ready to go nuclear on these guys.
Looks like a bug zoo. Eggs, wooly aphids, and Assassin bugs (they’re probably after the same critters you’re trying to eliminate).

The leaf damage could be beetle or caterpillar. My JM got pests at times when I was growing them in the back of my back yard, where people didn’t go and they didn’t get much attention. If your tree is relatively healthy, it should be capable of outgrowing damage from these bugs. Use malathion if you want, then feed it well and keep a closer eye on it.
Thank you, do you think the round spots of damage are from insects too?

My trees are in my backyard, but theyre next to so many giant weeds, really the whole area behind them is so overgrown with weeds. I'm sure that's not helping.
That looks like an elm leaf beetle...
The hole culprit.

The lacewing eggs means aphids near surely.

Elm leaf beetles are quick in numbers.
And reproduce with the soil.

Seems a situation trying to balance itself...

The beetles have the least predators.

I would assist with mechanical removal of them.

Don't spray!

Spray for the bugs as Brian said. For the leaves, it looks lilke you have some sort of caterpillar chewing on your plant. Get some BT and spray that on your tree. It's a bacterium that targets caterpillars, and is very effective. Good luck.
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