Tips for helping a Just collected Quaking Aspen thrive.


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Was lucky enough to get permission to pull this aspen from a field. It’s roughly 1’ tall from where the end of the bag meets the trunk. I cut a longer root than usual, about a foot long. The dirt fell right off of it when I dug it up, and I collected a bunch of it to bag it with. I added root hormone, and a small bit of water to the native soil it’s in. The black contractors plastic bag is wrapped very firmly around it avoid any soil movement.

Given that it is early fall, My plan is to defoliate the leaves later this eve, place it in a pumice filled pot, saturate it, and add a half dose of organic fertilizer diluted in water, not pellet fertilizer.

Should I black bag this and keep it in my green house?

Any other tips?

Greenhouse is Located in Chicago, tree was collected in Michigan a few hours away north of holland.

Cool trunk! My aspens aren't turning yet, so I wouldn't defoliate yet. Mine are in organic soil for now and are very thirsty still. Given the leaf spots I would treat it with Daconil now, then give it Bonide systemic in spring when it starts taking more water. I would not bag the tree because of the potential for encouraging the fungal load.
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