Time for some styl'n!


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Dallas, TX
Not sure what to do with this. It's my first time making cuts on a bonsai.
This Shimpaku is starting to just look like a shrub. So I've been mulling this over for weeks.
Should I cut this big branch off? I feel like it is blocking too much of the rest of the tree.
Or should I just wire it downward to make a flat pad?

Also is it ok to make the cuts this time of year or should I wait?

Also I'm thinking about wiring the rest of the whole tree to make some flat pads.
It's been my experience that the few times I did some major pruning on a shimpaku at this time of year, they ended up going to bonsai heaven. Maybe it was just coincidence but I don't do that anymore. Very small pruning such as a small branch might not hurt it, but I'd be careful with anything bigger.

Also I notice your keeping it in full sun? My only shimpaku that I presently have is still trying to come back (2yrs now) from my error of leaving it in the full Texas sun for too long. It weakened really bad but for the past two yrs that I've been keeping it in mostly shade it's responding pretty good. I know these junipers like full sun, but not the kind we have here in Texas. What's good for Ohio or places that don't get the kind of heat we get might be fine, but not here. I lost two realy nice shimps before I realized it was the heat and sun that was doing them in.
Thanks Thomas.
Do you think late Winter early spring would be best?

I remember you telling me about your Shimp and full sun. I've been watching it closely. It really only gets about 6 hours of full sun per day. I bought a 50% screen and plan to build a canopy for the table for that purpose.
Anytime from Dec. to the end of April would be perfect for any heavy pruning in our area. Once the weather breaks in Nov. sometime you could do your wiring without any problem either. I have never done any wiring at this time of the year so I don't know if it would be a problem or not. During your wiring you will also be removing some foliage so keep that in mind.:cool:
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