This tree dropped maybe two leaves past 6 months. This week it's dropped a lot. It's been a slow grower, new growth a few months ago then stopped. Currently same thing there's new growth but even them look like what's attached below. It's in a mix of Diatomaceous Earth, lava rock and Pumice. I water this less frequently compared to others. I have a skewer in the soil and it's usually a tad moist so I hold off, no problems. The ficus lord Jerry guy says if it's mostly inorganic u can water daily. Had a Fukien Tea that I underwatered and since I've been going daily the leaves turned from yellow to dark green again. It's currently under 3 spider farmer SF 1000s enclosed in mylar curtains (it's going outside soon) and I had a small humidifier in the center that broke so I moved my heavy duty one under the curtain with a fan. It was blowing right on the pot under a foot away. Am I underwatering or is it from the humidifier? I have neem oil I'm guessing there's a fungus but idk the protocol regarding this and correct way to go forward. Thanks guys