Tiger Bark Ficus pre-bonsai


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Colorado Springs, CO
Hello all, I am new to bonsai. Recently, I acquired this tiger bark ficus. It was listed as pre-bonsai. I think its pretty impressive right now, but realize that it likely needs to be cleaned up. Right now i am keeping indoors as the temps are dropping to the 40s at night. My porch gets full afternoon sun. But I have a southern facing window which is where I have him living right now next to a Hawaiian Umbrella that I purchased at the same time. I am looking for ideas of what I should do to clean up this specimen. its an indoor tree, should I prune/shape it now or wait? Should I put it outside during the day even though it will get full afternoon sun? Should I repot, or leave in the plastic pot for now?
Thank you
If this is a new species to you, I'd wait a bit and see how it responds to the growing conditions you can provide. Ficus do pretty well indoors in a sunny window for the winter. You'll want to move it outside in the spring and grow it outside all summer. Most of the major work on your tree should be done in the warm months when it's outside. If it grows well in its indoor location you can do wiring and minor pruning during the winter. I would not recommend taking it in and out and in and out......Ficus tend to respond to major changes in lighting by dropping leaves. When you move it outside, expect it to drop leaves and grow a new set that will handle the sun. Same when moving back indoors in the fall.
Indoors it will drop some leaves. Repot it in summer in bonsai pot, then ot will look realy good. Btw nice tree. And yes do mayor cutting in spring time. Now just live it be
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