It will die of course.This is what is left of a 9-10 foot tall Sekkan Sugi Cryptomeria that I chopped down to about 2.5 feet about a week ago. There are only the 3 little bits of green, one on each of 3 separate stems/trunks. The roots have been left in the ground, undisturbed.
What do you suppose will happen from here?
View attachment 144668
Nope.Any popping going on yet?
But yesterday was only the third day this year with a high temperature above 70F.
Been another four weeks ish.. any news?
My mushroom crypto is responding well to foliage cutbacks, but not back budding to the older wood yet. Will look at a full chop if this goes well for you.
Dead is my call - killed a few cryptomeria branches by reducing them by half in the past, probably double the foliage mass you have in your entire tree. Why did you whack the **** out of it in one go?
My Crypto "gyokuryu" is budding on just about all the old branch crotches. Cluster buds too. And here it looks like 4 buds coming from the trunk. Maybe because it's still young at only a little under 3 ft tall.Cryptomeria will crotch bud at strong branches but never had it bud on the main trunk.
Normally, I would think you could have a leisurely time developing a very nice tree just in the process of working the foliage down; but it looks like the process is going so quickly for you that you'll need to stop and think about the design.
You've got nice movement in the trunks and lots of variety in their thicknesses. You'll make a great tree of it, right?
I really don't think you're missing a thing.Have been mulling these words for a few days, and may be I'm still missing your meaning...