Michigan Tree Murderer
I have three TBF cuttings from @Carol 83 kindness that I received last fall. I kept them in my grow room since then, and they've done quite well, as ficus do when they get enough light. They came in 3" pots & I had to repot in Feb because they kept falling over. (top heavy) I put them in bonsai soil and now I'm thinking I should've used potting soil instead. I just repotted no root work. Now that they are more established, and summer isn't far away, what's the best way for me to fatten the trunks? Should I just let them grow? Chop the trunk? Both? Here are pics of the biggest two.
This one is 19 inches tall.

This one is 14 inches tall

I resisted the urge to wire for trunk movement... so far.
This one is 19 inches tall.

This one is 14 inches tall

I resisted the urge to wire for trunk movement... so far.