Music Stuff

Deadwood Head
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The Communist State of Maryland
Let's see your set up!
I play drums in a "band" with 2 guitarists, 2 drummers and a very nasty bass player....we do jam band style music, mixed with reggae dub.
Lots of original, improvisational jams...some Marley covers....some Petty covers....some Dead covers....all in our own way.

Here's my basement set up...
It'd more impressive with the rest of the band's gear here...but there it is.

Thanks for looking!

All hail to the Duke of Lizards!
King Wilson! My jam kitty.
I miss my old kit, had an Iron Cobra double pedal as well, they're sweet! Don't have the space for a kit any more but plan on getting one again some day!
Thank you too for the avatar compliment i do not think to many people take the time to actually read it. I am an avid dead fan. My proudest dead moment was getting an unannounced visit and interview from secret service with my steal your face hat on and live dead blasting out of my house. I didn't let him inside, or turn down my jams. I found shirt off Amazon to match my avatar. I live in a rural area in North Idaho and we do not have mass transit so we We had a ride program to help get people out to vote and we used that graphic as our slogan and to advertise.
how cool would it be to have an uncle with recording equipment!
My set up has been modified since last post....
Now working with 2 drum kits...
My big, cheap, heavily modified kit is my primary kit, some heads were recently replaced in the pics.
Got a new set of plastic blocks and a 20" ping ride (which I was looking for forever!).
The newer, smaller kit has some assistance from some stuff I already had.
Also have a timbale set up, with 2 pairs of timbales, small and a snare drum, wood blocks, cowbell, and cajon kick.
As well, a hand percussion (or soft stick) set up with a pair of bongos (one broken head from recording session last week, my bassist getting too wild) mounted on a pair of congas, with a deep, loud djembe.
Also recently got a free keyboard (same source as my free primary drum kit).
Got a small steel pan/drum.
Guitar man bought an 8 string for the house.
Next is gonna a be an amp for the keys and mics....lots of mics...and recording equipment...
I think the biggest challenge is getting the whole band here at one time...jeeze.
Awesome! I always found drums to be very powerful and cool!
Mine is very simple lol. solo guitar...I do have a PRS P22.I will never get what I payed for it,so just going to let it gain worth in my collection.
About the only tv I watch anymore is my Apple TV slideshows and the occasional movie.
I have been on my Classical Guitar journey since 2007!
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Awesome! I always found drums to be very powerful and cool!
Mine is very simple lol. solo guitar...I do have a PRS P22.I will never get what I payed for it,so just going to let it gain worth in my collection.
About the only tv I watch anymore is my Apple TV slideshows and the occasional movie.
I have been on my Classical Guitar journey since 2007!
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PRS is the man!
PRS is the man
Yup! My boss’ brother actually knows one of the gentleman who works for PRS who travels to South America to mark trees that they will harvest for guitar wood. I believe they took a trip last year or the year before with him to go mark trees double wow
Yup! My boss’ brother actually knows one of the gentleman who works for PRS who travels to South America to mark trees that they will harvest for guitar wood. I believe they took a trip last year or the year before with him to go mark trees double wow
That sounds like a sweet gig!
Yup! My boss’ brother actually knows one of the gentleman who works for PRS who travels to South America to mark trees that they will harvest for guitar wood. I believe they took a trip last year or the year before with him to go mark trees double wow
Reminds me of my bass player...he has a sweet gig (with the state) taking water and soil samples from rivers and streams all over MD.
He'll send me a picture of some beautiful prestine looking creek in the woods of western MD in the middle of my workday saying, " how's your day going bud?"....
Meanwhile I'm looking at the picture, in DC, in some dusty hell-hole of a crawlspace, rewiring or repiping some refrigeration system....knowing that my tax dollars make his paycheck....
Oh well...necessary evil...taxes.
(Sorry for venting...but this is the tea house after all...)
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